Leadership Lessons by Sheri Miller
I look back to my upbringing and think of how lucky I was. My mother, for much of my life, stayed home and took care of the house and the family. I knew that when I came home my Mom would be there with a smile on her face and her arms open for a hug…Even when I was in my 20’s and no longer living at home, I’d go visit her and be greeted the same way. She was always curious about my life and what I was doing. Rarely did she give me her opinion, rather she let me discover what was true for me.
My Dad was the breadwinner. He went to work early and came home for dinner at 6:30 every night except Tuesdays when he would play handball with his buddies. Saturday morning he would go back to the office and on Sundays he would “cook”…A trip to New York Bagels and Bialys in the morning and either Kentucky Fried Chicken or Brown’s Chicken in the evening.
It was during those meals together where I got to know my Dad and hear what was important to him. If he told his customers they would get their order within 48 hours, they did. If he and his brothers disagreed on how to run the company, they would stay and work it out until all were on the same page. When the company had to find a way to be more profitable and at the same time provide lower pricing, the brothers asked employees for ways to save money in the operations so they could make this happen and not have to lay anyone off. They succeeded and, in fact, in 40+ years they never had a layoff.
My parents’ role-modeled so many wonderful qualities. I am blessed to have learned from them. Growing up, who were some positive role models in your life? I’d love to know. Not only am I curious, (a quality I picked up from my Mom) to hear your response - I am hopeful you will enjoy going down memory lane.