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Ponder with us as we explore how to lead...
A Season of Change…
I made a BIG life transition when our family moved from the Chicago suburbs to the outskirts of San Antonio, Texas. Here are some lessons...
Lessons Learned Through Role Modeling.
Leadership Lessons by Sheri Miller I look back to my upbringing and think of how lucky I was. My mother, for much of my life, stayed home...
The Power of a Mentor
I’m fortunate to have had influential role models and mentors throughout my life. The relationships with each brought something different...
Are You Pulling Your Own Weight?
A Charmm’d Pondering Point In teamwork situations, we’re expected to pull our own weight. What does that mean? This phrase comes from the...
Are You Willing To Be Influenced?
Oftentimes we come to the table ready to share our ideas and assume that others will absolutely agree with us. When they don’t, we may...
How Do You Respond When Your Employee Goofs Up?
Leadership Lessons by Sheri Miller When I was in my 20’s, I was tasked by the company I was working with to see if “Telemarketing” could...
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